Monday, May 20, 2013

Final Presentation



Analytical Diagrams

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Development of Elevations & Fenestration

I sketched out ways to create circulation based on the last study model (made of blue foam) then brought it into section and elevation...
This is the 3D model I've been working on that's mainly based on the last study model and my sketches (made of blue foam)...


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Refinement of Plans and Sections

Based on my site layout and circulation I modified my previous plans and added 2 sections to reflect site conditions and possibly what I would like to do with the site massing, orientation and circulation.



Because Red Hook is located in Coastal Flood Zone V (the most severe flood zone), my building must be elevated by at least 3 feet or more from street level. This building regulation has therefore created a new criteria for my program which will be a beach, where students and faculty can take samples of water and bacteria life within the water or on the coast for further analytical studies. I also added a dock for access to boats that can also be used for analytical experimentation.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Massing Model on Site Model

Street View
Perspective View

Aerial View

Processing Floor Plans

This process was derived from my most recent massing model showing how I plan to work with the space on the site in floor plans...(to be continued).

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hybrid Models Pt. III

Combining the 3D model of the shell hybrid and the square footage model resulted in...
The New Hybrid

This model is a hybrid of the 3D model and the square footage model. I decided to add extrusions on the back elevation (the side facing the water) to symbolize an infinite connection and the walls on the front elevation symbolize resistance.

Square Footage Diagram and Model

I created a square footage diagram and model to portray the space and height I will be working with in order to incorporate my concept on the site. The scale is 1/32" = 1'-0".

Floor 1

Floor 2

Floor 3

Floor 4

Square Footage Model



In conclusion, the model helped me to notice the restrictions with space that's going to cause me to have to make some adjustments to my design concept.

Hybrid Models Pt. II

The next step in this process is combining the program with the abstract hybrid model to get a sense of how you’re going to work with the space on the site. So I had to create a new model, keeping the shell hybrid as a study model for the new model, and scaled it down to the scale of the site, which is 1/32” = 1’-0”.

Shell Hybrid

2D Model of Hybrid

This model is a basic outline of the shell in elevation.
3D Model of Hybrid
This model is a 3-dimensional version of the previous model, which incorporates a wave effect that stems from the curves of my 2D model.
I feel like this model has so much potential because waves are uncontrollable since they are a part of nature. So thinking about how I can turn this study model into a structure, I can foresee extruding various cubes and maybe extending field lines or vectors from the others. What I love about this model is how captivating it is from every angle the same way it is when I see the waves at the beach. I also want to try to incorporate a sense of feeling when one interacts with the building as someone would with a wave, whether you’re swimming, surfing, sailing, etc. For example, this model reminds me of my first time surfing and how it was an experience that I’ll never forget because you paddle out to the ocean, which can represent that steady moment in the model that’s parallel to the surface. Then you encounter a few small waves, which can represent the first few raised cubes. But when you encounter that one wave that you decide is “the one” you’re going to go for, this rush of adrenaline comes over you, which is the cube perpendicular to the surface symbolizing the climax. And then, gradually, you come back down as the wave returns you to shore. So the first floor of my building can represent ‘paddling out’, circulation such as stairs, ramps or elevators will represent ‘the small waves’ and then the top floor will represent ‘the one’/adrenaline. That floor will contain various views from the coast to downtown Manhattan, Governors Island, downtown New Jersey, the Statue of Liberty and, of course, the water. I basically want my building to tell the story of a wave that makes a connection.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hybrid Models

Shell Study Models

This is the first hybrid model I created, which was a combination of all of my seashell models but mainly based on the connection collage. I loved how the term ‘connection’ symbolized a sense of infinity since it can be interpreted in so many different ways, which is why I incorporated the spiral ramp. So when it comes to moving forward and thinking about how the model can become an occupy-able space, the seashell would be a form of shelter and the chipboard could be a ramp or bridge that would lead inhabitants either to or from the space. Initially, I intentionally placed the seashell on its side to make a connection with the bay (which is connected to the Atlantic Ocean) because when you put a conch shell up to your ear you can hear the ocean, and they also come from the ocean so in a way it’s like the shell is calling out to the ocean.


The second hybrid is a further developed version of the first model, which was actually photographed on the site model for the class. In this model, I had the same concept as the first model and decided to add hierarchy. Since I am designing a school for Marine Biology the most significant part of the school will be the fish, which is why the shell takes up the majority of the space. Visualizing how this model can become a school, I can picture the aquarium running vertically through the entire building with the library located either across from it or beside it, varying in size on each floor. The shell symbolizes protection and a space for meditation since the ocean’s sounds are so soothing. The labs, classrooms, offices and atrium can be located in a separate space from the library and aquarium to keep volume and activity to a minimum.

Program (Color) Study Model

The third model is a hybrid of the second hybrid and one of the modified study models from the program collage, the ‘colorful’ model. With this model I wanted to begin to play with the colors I want to incorporate. I don’t want my school to look like a giant rainbow but I want to see what colors work well with what I’m imagining so far, so these colors are temporary. There are things I like such as the way the colors go from the exterior to the interior and the continuous ramp (in elevation); and there are things I don’t like from this model such as the continuous ramp (in plan) and the way the shell has turned into a wave, it’s a bit too dramatic.

Moving forward, I plan to start sketching out the spaces that I want to create to get better results and maybe try a different combination of study models.

Program Models Pt. II


The first model is a representation of the educational facility for my program that was derived from the ball of clay model and the book from the collage. In a way, a college or university is a place where individuals go to mold themselves into the people they aspire to be and that can also relate to the word knowledge. So the further developed model is actually the complete opposite, which is rough around the edges, but working towards becoming well-rounded.
The second model is a representation of the variety of colors that I want to incorporate into my school that was derived from the bag pastels model and the fish from the collage. The further developed model shows a way it could take form rather than just being contained. In a way I want the colors to be enclosed (on the interior) but also exposed (on the exterior).
The third model is a representation of sustainability that was derived from the “house of cards” model and the plant growing out from the dirt in the collage. I chose to do a house of cards, which are actually made out of paper, to show that I want my “green” to be structural. Furthering developing that concept I wanted to use natural resources that see or use in everyday life to show a sense of recycling. The pencils represent wood.

Connection Models Pt. II

Since there was a majority of comments that pointed out the fact that my first set of models lacked form I decided to keep the models but develop them further...


The first model is a representation of a mental/emotional connection that was derived from the sand model. The contained sand symbolizes an idea, which is internal at first, that when communicated externally can evolve into numerous renditions of that initial thought. So I wanted to keep that theory but develop it into more of a form. 
The second model is a representation of a social connection that was derived from the key and locks model, and the lightning and telephone line from the collage. The key communicates by unlocking the lock but I saw this abstraction in a way that if there was more than one lock, then what? The key would then fit each lock to be able to communicate, and I began see each lock as a language barrier or an age difference or signs for the hearing impaired, etc. The locks symbolize forms of communication. The strings in the more developed model represents the key making a connection within a community and beyond, which is why the string continues underneath the brown paper material and disperses going every which way. After completing this model I also noticed that it resembled the sun, and in elevation it comes across as the sun making a connection with one thing in particular, and that thing could be the break of dawn, the sunset, a moment the sun light streams into an alley or a magnifying glass, etc. That moment creates another form of connection.

The third model is a representation of a physical connection that was derived from the string of seashells model, and the Creation of Adam and the tree from the collage. The string symbolizes a bridging of several seashells connecting them as one. But in the more developed model I wanted to show a connection within a connection that wasn’t necessarily connected. I created a simple version of a tree designating one leaf to each branch excluding the longest branch, which symbolized the hand reaching out to its creation. Connection.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Program Models

Program Collage
The first model is a ball of clay, which represents the educational facility for my program. In a way, a college or university is a place where individuals go to mold themselves into the people they aspire to be and that can also relate to the word knowledge.
The second model is a bag pastels, which represents the variety of colors that I want to incorporate into my school. These colors were derived from the numerous colors one can find in the ocean and mainly in marine life.
The third model is a “house of cards”, which represents the sustainability that I plan to incorporate into the school. I chose the do a house of cards, which are actually made out of paper, to show that I want my “green” to be structural.

Connection Models

Connection Collage

The first model is a cup of sand with some spilt sand beside it, which represents connection in a mental or emotional way. The contained sand symbolizes an idea, which is internal at first, that when communicated externally can evolve into numerous renditions of that initial thought.

The second model is made up of several locks and a key, which represents connection in a social way. The key communicates by unlocking the lock but I saw this abstraction in a way that if there was more than one lock, then what? The key would then fit each lock to be able to communicate, and I began see each lock as a language barrier or an age difference or signs for the hearing impaired, etc. The locks symbolize forms of communication.

The third model is a string of seashells, which represents connection in a physical way. This model is pretty straight forward. The string symbolizes a bridging of several seashells connecting them as one.

Impression Models

Impression Collage 

The first model is a seashell, which symbolizes protection, mainly from a variety of weather since one of the main elements from the impression collage was wind.

The second model is a type of paper mesh or net material, which allows sunlight to penetrate the interior and connects to the sun shining into the auto shop from the collage making sunlight my second major element.

Lastly, is the blue foam model, which represents a wave. The cube perpendicular to the cube that is parallel to the surface symbolizes the perimeter where the wave reaches its limit and therefore crashes into the jetties.