Sunday, March 17, 2013

Connection Models

Connection Collage

The first model is a cup of sand with some spilt sand beside it, which represents connection in a mental or emotional way. The contained sand symbolizes an idea, which is internal at first, that when communicated externally can evolve into numerous renditions of that initial thought.

The second model is made up of several locks and a key, which represents connection in a social way. The key communicates by unlocking the lock but I saw this abstraction in a way that if there was more than one lock, then what? The key would then fit each lock to be able to communicate, and I began see each lock as a language barrier or an age difference or signs for the hearing impaired, etc. The locks symbolize forms of communication.

The third model is a string of seashells, which represents connection in a physical way. This model is pretty straight forward. The string symbolizes a bridging of several seashells connecting them as one.


  1. Was there a reason for the blurry effect picture?

    Really liked the sand idea, all the elements are a perfect example of connecting elements and I can see the resemblance with your collage. Good job!

  2. No, the blurry effect was actually a mistake, I uploaded the wrong photo. I'll fix it, thank you.


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